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My Approach

     I see the work of healing and formation as the work of what it means to be human. This work is hard. It begins as we learn to listen to what is going on in our inner-life, what is happening in our heart and in our head. My approach focuses on compassion & listening. Listening to the stories of a life- the pain and joy- and how those pains and joys are continually held in the body. Learning compassion for ourselves and others.


     Finding ways to become more aware of what we feel and what we know and who we are help us to face any truth. Healing can be found in discovering how to live with hard and harsh truths. In the process we also find that when we stop hiding from painful truths, we will also discover beautiful truths about who we are. 


     Nature and the natural world can provide space for healing and awareness. Being seen in space that is safe and accepting can provide salve to wounds and empower us to continue the work of becoming.


     I cannot do the work for you, but I will be present with you and help you along your way. 


My Story

     I have a Masters degree in professional psychology, focusing mainly on a systems approach to "marriage and family therapy" (now better referred to as couples therapy). I have been educated as a spiritual director from Shalem Institute in Wash. D.C. I went to seminary to train as one who ministers to people, and have found that my sense of God or Spirit extends beyond the walls of a building or institution. I experience god as that which connects all living things. God in me. God in you.

    I respect how people choose to make sense of their world with or without a god. We are all trying to make sense of the world and find our place in it.  

     I took this picture near my house one morning. I love the morning sky. I have a thousand pictures that are similar, and yet each one is a little different-- because each sunrise is a little different. The morning reminds me of my place in the world. Our shared sun comes up each day.

     I have lived all across the country from Montana to Kansas, to Washington D.C., and back to Lancaster, PA. People are different everywhere, but we all are dependent on that sun for life.


     I value humanity. I value the earth and the ecosystems our humanity is a part of. Starting with this perspective, I think, is the beginning of healing and formation. 


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