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Practice Day 14: You'll Know when it's Time to Go


Theme/Mantra: “You’ll know when it is time to go”


A Joke by Aleksander Wat

Bunches of carnations in a tin pitcher.

Beyond the window, is that a faun playing a flute?

In a fusty room the semi-darkness of dawn.

The lovers sleep. On the sill

the cat purrs. In its dream a rabble of birds.

she wakens like a bird and, trembling,

opens her eye on the alabaster

shaded mournfully by her streaming hair.

She found in it her wreath fished up from a river

and searches for his hand, looking for protection.

Then plunges into sleep again—into a flow, a flow…

Suddenly the door creaked softly. Somebody enters. Surprised

Looks, hardly believes: My son—with a woman!

and retreats on tiptoe: O Hamlet! Hamlet!


Discernment Meditation

Sit comfortably with your eyes closed.

Bring your hands in prayer position in front of your heart.

Inhale through your nose for the count of 8.

Hold for the count of 5.

Exhale fully.


When you have the breathing down comfortably, ask yourself,

“Is it time to go?”

“From what to what?”

And listen deeply to your soul’s response.

Perhaps end with the thoughts- “I am vulnerable, I am strong. I can be vulnerable because I am strong.”

Physical Movement:


Lie on your back, knees bent, feet near your bottom and hips width apart.

If you can, touch your heels with your hands.

Contract your butt, curling your pelvis toward the ceiling, pressing your back into the floor.

Slowly lift your hips to the ceiling in stages- lower, middle and finally upper back.

Your weight should be on your shoulders and your feet.


Release and lower your spine one vertebra at a time, as able.


Repeat as you desire.


This is the first song by Taylor Swift that I listened to and came to love (not that she isn’t worth listening to- I just don’t know her other songs). A friend sent it to me when I was discerning about whether to leave a work position in a church. I loved the position, and the discernment process was challenging. What spoke to me most deeply were Swift’s words, “Sometimes giving up is the strong thing. Sometimes to run is the brave thing. Sometimes walking out is the one thing that will find you the right thing.” Wow! Yes!

I left, and have been sad about it, and grieved, but I also believe it was the best choice I could make at the time. And sometimes that is all we can do.

Too often we ask ourselves the wrong question. "What is the one thing I should do?" We expect to be guided to the ONE right choice. The more I contemplate (and longer I live)- I’ve come to think there are usually many possible right choices. Some choices are better choices. Some choices are more healthy choices. Depending on our state of mind, the damage to our psyche in a particular situation, others involved- At some point -It is Just. Time. To. Go.

As for the poem- I just loved the take on the idea of the time to go being about a parent walking in on their adult child in a romantic moment. Yes- that too, is a pretty clear time to go. (Gotta remember to smile and laugh in all of this deep thinking and meditating).

I am embracing the goings of life….

Song: It’s Time to Go by Taylor Swift


When the dinner is cold and the chatter gets old

You ask for the tab

Or that moment again he's insisting that friends

Look at each other like that

When the words of a sister come back in whispers

That prove she was not

In fact what she seemed, not a twin from your dreams

She's a crook who was caught

That old familiar body ache

The snaps from the same little breaks in your soul

You know when it's time to go

Twenty years at your job

Then the son of the boss gets the spot that was yours

Or trying to stay for the kids

When keeping it how it is will only break their hearts worse

That old familiar body ache

The snaps from the same little breaks in your soul

You know when it's time to go

Sometimes giving up is the strong thing

Sometimes to run is the brave thing

Sometimes walking out is the one thing

That will find you the right thing

Sometimes giving up is the strong thing

Sometimes to run is the brave thing

Sometimes walking out is the one thing

That will find you the right thing

Fifteen years, fifteen million tears

Begging 'til my knees bled

I gave it my all, he gave me nothing at all

Then wondered why I left

Now he sits on his throne in his palace of bones

Praying to his greed

He's got my past frozen behind glass

But I've got me

That old familiar body ache

The snaps from the same little breaks in my soul

I know when it's time to go

Sometimes giving up is the strong thing

Sometimes to run is the brave thing

Sometimes walking out is the one thing

That will find you the right thing

Sometimes giving up is the strong thing

Sometimes to run is the brave thing

Sometimes walking out is the one thing

That will find you the right thing

That will find you the right thing

And you know in your soul

You know in your soul

When it's time to go

You know, you know, you know, you know

When it's time to go

So then you go

Then you go

You just go

Until Tomorrow- Peace

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Photographs by David Parry, Xiao Ma, Malinda H.C.

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